General News of Tuesday, 18 October 2016


December polls will be the 'real test' - Rawlings

Former President J.J. Rawlings Former President J.J. Rawlings

The December 7 polls will be the "real test" for Ghana’s resolve and democracy, former President Jerry John Rawlings has said.

Speaking with some queen mothers including Mamaga Noviode of Sogakope (Leader), Nana Akyembaku Mansa from the Central Region, Nana Ama Serwaa from Ashanti, Nana Akua Gyasiwaa from Eastern, Mamaga Maamele from Klikor in the Volta Region, and Abesewaahemaa Nana Afia Gyamaa Pinsan, who paid a call on him at his residence in Accra on Tuesday, Mr Rawlings issued a note of admonishment to all stakeholders to ensure that the process is free and fair in order to guarantee post-election peace.

The former President said to guarantee a result that will be acceptable to all, nobody should attempt to misbehave or to do anything fraudulent.

The former President noted that the culture of disrespect, which has engulfed our society, has compromised the country’s peace and made it vulnerable.

“When we used to exercise a culture of respect in the past there was a thick layer of peace, which could not be compromised that easily. Today that layer of peace is so thin a little provocation is all it takes to get matters out of hand,” he stated.

“We’ve been able to exercise the necessary restraint through quite a number of elections. This one is going to be a real test, and I can only appeal once again that we make it as free and fair as we possibly can in order to maintain the peace.”